Getting Personal: Omics Of The Heart

Anna Pilbrow, FGTB Mentoring Program; Precision Medicine Update



Jane:                                  Hi everyone, welcome to episode five of Getting Personal: A Mix of the Harsh. I'm Jane Ferguson an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and chair of the FGTB Professional Education and Publications Committee. This month we start off by discussing a topic that isn't strictly scientific but may have just as big of an impact on your career as your science, mentoring. I'll talk to Anna Pilbrow from the FGTB Early Career Committee on how you can find the right mentor for you. And if you've been around long enough that you know longer need any more mentoring, keep listening as we would love you to sign up to become a mentor and share your wisdom with the next generation. Then I'll talk to Naveen Pereira from Mayo Clinic, about some of the papers we've been reading this month.                                            So I'm here with Anna Pilbrow, who is a member of the FGTB Early Career Committee. So welcome Anna, and could you take a moment to intro