Unbound With Trish And Jess

The God of Small Things



It's mid-August and Trish has already reached her goal of reading 52 books this year, so Jess and Trish discuss her updated reading goals. In spite of this reading high, Trish shares her recent literary low when she realizes she's been mispronouncing a word for a long time. Jess and Trish then share their heartbreak about how deeply events went wrong in this month's read "The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy, and how heartbreaking books that take place in India always seem to be. With two podcasts left to go, Trish and Jess pick favorite books to read for each other. Next month Jess has picked "The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating" by Elisabeth Tova Bailey.  (Music credit: “Books” by Minden http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/)