Legally Enlightened With Lisa Fraley

EP04: When to Use a Privacy Policy



Privacy is important. In the entrepreneurial world, not only do you want to keep your own information as safe as possible, but did you know that you also have an obligation to keep others’ info safe that they share with you through your website? As a business owner, you want your website visitors to know that when they visit your website and sign up for your opt-in gift or to join your tribe, you will do your best to keep their name, e-mail address and other personal information safe from Copycats and Swipers. How do you do that exactly? You post a thorough Privacy Policy on your website. Not only does it show your professionalism, but it builds trust with your website visitors too. In this episode Lisa shares: What does a Privacy Policy do? What’s considered “personal information” that you need to keep private? When do you need to use a Privacy Policy? Where to put your Privacy Policy on your website Why she aligns Privacy Policies with the heart chakra Freebie: Download Episode 4 Tip Sheet Resources: Easy