Andy Petranek Podcast

168: Philip Folsom - on Connecting, Kinship, and Tribes



Find & Subscribe: iTunes  | Google Play  | Stitcher  | Spotify When you consider the fact that human beings have been living in tribes and communities for the entirety of our existence, there couldn't be a more important time to talk about how to create that connection than now... in this time of distancing and isolation during the COVID19 crisis. Philip is an anthropologist, an expert in the four archetypes as they relate to the hero’s journey, a ropes-course master, and has served as a consultant, trainer, and guide for high performing teams all over the country. In this conversation, we cover all of the following (and more): The importance of connection and community celebration How shining light on others in your tribe builds trust, camaraderie, collective success, and honor. Why tribe is so important, especially right now How to shift from isolation to connection How to empower yourself to thrive in today’s environment by choosing it. The 3 pillars of kinship I hope you enjoy this conversation as