Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP061: Synergize as Doctor, Educator, Author, & Entrepreneur (Dr. Jason Sonners)



In this episode, you’ll learn amazing “fun nuggets” about how you can optimize your health through a new paradigm in health and wellness (oxygen therapy/ hyperbaric treatment). Our guest, Dr. Jason Sonners, will provide some great inspiration through role-modeling to fit in writing (as an educational process) even with a full schedule including running a clinical practice, running a business, and being a positive change agent in the world of health and wellness. Dr. Jason is the owner and one of the doctors at Core Therapies, an entrepreneur at HBOT USA, author of Oxygen Under Pressure: Using Hyperbaric Oxygen to Restore Health, Reduce Inflammation, Reverse Aging and Revolutionize Healthcare, and educator extraordinaire. We have six “fun nuggets” from the episode: #1: Doctors are educators, not commanders #2: Doctors and patients can co-create outcomes for optimal compliance and wellbeing #3: Human beings, like plants, are complex systems that require adjustments of numerous variables to achieve optimal healt