Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP019: Surround Yourself with Accountability on your Publishing Journey with Alan McComas



Alan McComas is the laidback wholesaler and #1 bestselling author to the book THE LAIDBACK LIFESTYLE: "Anyone can have it" with several other books on the writing. He is also a consultant and vice president at SEI Engineer, Inc. and a real estate investor. Alan is committed to helping as many people as possible by sharing his thoughts and insights in his books that draw from his own personal and professional experience. On this episode we will get very in depth with his writing and publishing journey while touching on several key points such as accountability, outsourcing and doing one thing at a time!  Here are the fun nuggets from the show:   Accountability is key to get things done. From now on, introduce yourself as the author of the upcoming (“insert book title”). Which brings us to nugget number 2: Tell all of your friends and the world about your upcoming book because a public statement of your intention to be an author can often be the most powerful accountability tool out there; The world of amazon