Jeff Stevens Creative

Episode 1612: The Creative Stickup w/Wade Paschall, Creative and Partner, Grenadier



Meet the Method Ad Man. The longer Wade is in the business, the more he wants to stay close to the work. As a founder of the agency Grenadier in Boulder (named after the elite senior troops that led the great armies of the last century), Wade and his colleagues are operating against the age old agency principle: As soon as you become great at creative, you get bumped up to management and stop doing creative. They all still get their hands dirty. Wade talks to Jeff about his journey from Lawrence, Kansas through LA, St. Louis (at Core) Boston and now Boulder. We touch on creative account people, young 'writers' who don’t want to do the work, how Core taught him to be a Method Ad Man and advice on starting your own shop. Check out his shop here: Music by Flaming Death Trap