San Miguel Talkstory

TalkStory - Dhana Musil



San Miguel TalkStory is a bilingual monthly podcast presented by the San Miguel Literary Sala and San Miguel Storytellers. This month’s story was performed by Dhana Musil at the 2017 San Miguel Writers’ Conference. Dhana Musil’s memoir, These Little Earthquakes, chronicles the decade she spent living in the seamy underbelly of Japan during the 1990’s, and her decision to marry a Japanese yakuza. Her stories have won several prizes and been published in numerous anthologies. Dhana resides in North Vancouver, BC with her husband, two girls, a cat and a dog. She hopes that her writing may one day land her in a place where her coconut oil stays liquid, at least during the day. Music: Poème Élégiaque, Op. 12 - Fragment Performed by: Jean-Claude Féret