Lab Talk With Laura

Ep. 15 - Alexandra, Barbara, Mercedes, Rick, Adriane, and Raquel - 5/15/18



This week I'm joined by Raquel Bryant and Adriane Lam of the UMass Geoscience Dept. to talk about science outreach. Adriane talks about her website Time Scavengers that provides resources for learning about Climate Change and Evolution ( We listen to a series of interviews I did at the UMass Public Outreach and Engagement Summit, where I spoke to Dr. Alexandra Jones, founder and Executive Director of the DC-based non-profit Archaeology in the Community(, Dr. Barbara Zurer Pearson, research associate in the Language Acquisition Research Center in the Dept. of Linguistics at UMass, recent Master's graduate Mercedes Harris from the Environmental Conservation Dept., and Rick Freedman, PhD student in the Information and Computer Science Dept. and one of the organizers of the Outreach Summit.