Sterling Harris Ministries

5 Secret Truths If God's so Good why do bad things happen?



This message has been a personal journey over the past 7 years. Being involved in counseling and freedom training during this time I went looking for the answers to this age old question because of all of the hurt, pain, suffering and evil I have seen over the years. God poured this revelation out into my heart over that time and it was heavy on my heart to share it with the world. The enemy is constantly trying everyday to place doubt in our hearts about God's goodness and trying to create offense and irritation in our hearts towards God, ourselves and others. This teaching is a personal journey of truth that I have sought first for myself and then for others to answer that age old question: If God's so good why do bad things happen and why is there so much evil in the world? This teaching will give you Word based answers to those questions as well as my personal revelation. I have experienced these Truths set people free in their heart to Love and Trust God at a deeper level. I pray it will do the same