Sterling Harris Ministries

How to Forgive Yourself, God and Others to Free Your Heart and Mind



Have you ever asked yourself: How do I forgive others who have hurt or wronged me? How do I forgive God? How do I forgive Myself? This teaching will give you the answers to those very questions. WHO do You Need to FORGIVE TODAY? Yourself? God? Mom or Dad? A Brother or Sister? A Current or Former Spouse? A Family Member? A Friend? A Boss or Co-Worker? A Teacher? A Neighbor? An Enemy? Someone who has wronged or hurt you? The Spiritual Principle of Forgiveness happens when we make the decision to forgive people by faith and obedience through THE WORD of God. There is a blessing by OUR Father in Heaven coming from that; as well as peace and prosperity for OUR Souls and Lives. To get more teachings and tools for the victory that Jesus Christ has provided to you please visit Sterling Harris Ministries at and check out our Freedom Center!