Newman What's Next




Tom-o, Espo, or Hollywood as of recent; the name is irrelevant when it comes to a man as unique as himself. One of a kind is the only way to describe Thomas, he is a part-time comedian, a full time student, an aspired pilot, and a kid with a good head on his shoulders. As you listen to him speak, it is hard to ignore the thought driven utterances that lead his actions everyday. Calculated, planned, and desired goals are at every turn for Mr. Esposito along with endless hours of Fox news being played on repeat in his college dorm room. You can say a lot about Tom-o but the one thing you cannot call him is uninformed. A delightful, challenging, and at difference conversation for parts, really sums up a wonderful conversation between two lifelong buds. I hope we can serve as a benchmark for friends who can hold an authentic conversation that hones in on the challenging topics facing our world today!