Santa Cruz Local

Ep. 21 What we learned from looking at Santa Cruz County's needle exchange



Santa Cruz County has an injection drug use problem and a needle litter problem. We look at Santa Cruz County's needle exchange program and how it compares to other programs in the state. What can Santa Cruz County's health department learn from San Francisco's needle cleanup program? What are the trends with Santa Cruz County's injection drug use? How can Santa Cruz County get more inject drug users into treatment? We hear from Supervisor Ryan Coonerty, county health officer Dr. Arnold Leff, San Francisco Department of Public Health program manager Eileen Loughran, Santa Cruz County Sheriff-Coroner's Office forensic pathologist Dr. Stephany Fiore, Janus of Santa Cruz Director of Medication-Assisted Treatment Amanda Engeldrum Magana and Harm Reduction Coalition of Santa Cruz County co-founder Denise Elerick.