Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with An - Ra - Nae IsisRa - The Great Remembering



Learn more about An-Ra-Nae IsisRa and Access her Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/quantum-conversations/an-ra-nae-isisra-the-great-remembering-the-quest-for-god-goddess-within/ The Journey of Life is the Quest to find the Holy Grail within. Your soul is programmed to return Home to the vibrational frequency of the God/Goddess that you are as the I AM Presence. It is this Sacred Journey, that is referred to as The Path, and that I call The Great Remembering. The Quest for the Holy Grail is the innate desire of the Soul within each of us to reunite with God/Goddess within. It is the compelling force within us that has led people to undertake the arduous and sometimes lengthy pilgrimages to sacred temples throughout the ages. It is the feeling that something is missing from your life and the longing for something more—even when all your outer needs are met. It is the still small voice within you urging you to follow the bread crumbs, the hints, the clues and urgings that if you say YES will take