Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Daniel The Healer - You Are Divine



Learn more about this episode here: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/daniel-the-healer-you-are-divine/ Access Daniel's Special Offer Here: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/spiritual-awakening-accelerator-package-with-daniel-the-healer/ As human beings we are made to believe that we are the garbage of the Universe and that we are here on this Earth because it is the penal colony of existence. That is simply not true. We are made of the same building blocks as the Divine, and we are here to learn, have experiences and resolve challenges that we pre-determined before we came in physical existence. Just because we have no memory of who we truly are that does not make us bad, defective or evil. During the show, Daniel will explain where we come from and how we set it all up in advance of being born.