Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Lynne Brodie - Unlock Your Ancient Wealth Codes of the Soul



Learn more about Lynne Brodie and access her Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/lynne-brodie-release-your-souls-ancient-wealth-code/ Enjoy this Quantum Conversation introducing Lynne Brodie who shares high vibrational frequencies that create a portal of Light to open the door of your Soul. We will be discussing the current common condition of many lightworkers who are clearing the throat chakra, meaning we as starseeds, are ready to Surrender to the Voice of Your Truth which is the key to unlocking your Soul’s Wealth Codes. This is not about Money, but all Wealth and Abundance in all forms. Lynne Brodie, Master Healer, Golden Light Creator and Intuitive shares the trinity within your Soul Contract that unlocks your Souls Ancient Wealth Code. You made and agreed to your soul contract prior to materializing into physical form on Earth. You came through the veil for forgetting when born so you could learn your lessons, discover your gifts, fulfill your purpose and soul contract.