Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Anrita Melchizedek - I AM Avatar Light Body Activation



Learn more about Anrita and access Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/anrita-melchizedek-i-am-avatar-light-body-activation/ In this wonderful transmission with Anrita, we experience a series of invocations to activate our multidimensional Light Bodies, to release fear and experience a loving Heart. What we term the I AM Avatar Light Body is the collective and individual experience of the New Earth templates, sacred geometries, numerologies and fractal geometries that activate around our physical body, energy field and hologram dimensionally; expressed through the radiance of our Body of Light, our I Am Avatar Blueprint, our connection to Soul and Star Family, and the integration of our Beloved I Am Presence through our lower bodies, as we walk the path of Divine Love knowing we are all One. Our multidimensional Light Bodies are being upgraded and imprinted with new geometric codes of Light, and the increased Light frequencies of our I Am Avatar Blueprint, to assist us to ground and a