Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Tracy Kenline - Quantum Jump from the Matrix into 5D



Learn more about this show with Tracy Kenline: https://www.acoustichealth.com/quantum-conversations/tracey-kenline-quantum-jump-from-the-matrix-into-5d/ We take a Quantum Conversation into 5D Living with New Earth Coach Tracy Kenline who is a system buster and a wayshower of how to exit the Matrix, drop all old programming, matrix codes and lineages that are keeping you from your soveriegnty and higher consciuosness. Tracy explains what it’s like to move thru the 3rd dimension, 4th dimension and into the 5th dimension. Listen in and learn more about how you can Live New Earth by using the inner GPS of the Heart and the 3rd eye. Tracy is on a mission to assist in the great starseed, lightworker, earth angel awakening.