Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Valeria Tignini



Learn more about Valeria Tignini: https://www.acoustichealth.com/quantum-conversations/valeria-tignini-entering-the-truth-era/ Entering the Truth Era - A Conversation on ETs, Starbeings, Star Family & Diamond Consciousness Source Enegy Channel Valerie Tignini shares an update on the Shift in Consciousness and how we are becoming elevated Beings with no limitations (but only after a purification process). She shares her story of various awakening points in her lifetime, beginning with an ET experience when she was 9 years old and just recently with a kundalini awakening 8 years ago. This Quantum Conversation also explores Star Beings, Star Family and the History of the Earth’s first root races. Her connection to her own Star Family revealed to her a new Diamond Consciousness is now available and she leads us into the Sirius Diamond Meditation & Transmission. This is a journey to release you from the old 3D Matrix and into feeling and knowing who you Truly Are.