Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Sananda & Shekinah - Twin Ray Illumination



Learn more about this show: https://www.acoustichealth.com/quantum-conversations/sananda-shekinah-kryst-twinray-illumination/ TwinRay Illumination: Truth of Cosmic Kryst The Cosmic Kryst manifests as the Divine Intelligence throughout the Unified Field of Source and is experienced/inperienced as Unity Consciousness. This field of infinite energy over-lights and sustains the entire multiverse through the Heavenly Presence of Unconditional Love. The Cosmic Kryst projects itself through the universal laws and sacred sciences governing all Source creation: also known as the Law of One. The Law of One is the Eternal Truth of the Kryst, and is the remembrance that Eternal truth is the Eternal Loving Presence of God within and throughout all. The internal path of Ascension is the spontaneous alchemy of Liberation. This golden pathway of complete spiritual sovereignty is humanities birthright and privilege. Liberation is the renunciation of the personal illusionary self (ego) and returning to the infinite suprem