Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Gene Ang - Arcturian Healing Frequencies



Access Gene Ang's Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/online-healing-retreats/arcturian-healing-method-master-class-series-8-the-zermatt-7-transmissions-with-gene-ang/ The Arcturian Healing Method: Quantum Techniques for a Quantum Revolution This talk will focus on how the Arcturian energies and consciousness can help uplift humanity during this remarkable era on the planet. Gene also shares on his recent experience with Light ships in Zermott, Switzerland, which he refers to as the Zermott 7 – a series of 7 power-ups in response to laser activity. You will experience two energy transmissions from the Zermott 7 plus an Arcturian Healing Frequency moment. Register for all Quantum Conversations: www.acoustichealth.com