Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Aurora Luna Star: Attract Amazing Love: Experiencing Love & Ascension



http://www.acoustichealth.com/quantum-conversations/aurora-luna-star-attract-amazing-love-experiencing-love-ascension/ Attract Amazing Love: Experiencing Love & Ascension with Aurora Luna Star So many relationships are going through the turbulence of change through these intense energy shifts that we are experiencing. As the planet goes through increased photonic light, the Schuman resonance continues to rise and the Hz at which Gaia vibrates rapidly increases, we also deeply feel and experience the symptoms of ascension. Through the holographic field of our co-creation we are being called to step into new levels of compassion, love and sovereignty, owning our manifestations and bringing in the highest levels of our authentic-self. With the Elohim Council and a collective known as the Elders of the Cosmos, Aurora channels the wisdom of the stars to assist in grounding the frequencies and codes of the New Earth harmonics for our ascension process. These activations awaken DNA and synapses of the mind to bring