Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Richard Gordon - The Quantum Touch



Access Richard's Special Offer on the Original Quantum Touch Workshop: http://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/the-quantum-touch-the-original-workshop-with-richard-gordon/ When Richard Gordon was evolving the acclaimed Quantum-Touch healing technique that today is practiced by 1,400 certified practitioners around the globe in 50 countries, doctors were saying it was impossible to permanently align the occipital bone at the base of the skull and “pelvic torsion”—twisted hips where one is higher than the other. Let alone do it without manipulating the patient! Yet, it became readily apparent that Gordon’s Quantum-Touch methodology could do just that. Now, that easy-to-learn, seemingly-miraculous correction has opened an astonishing doorway on the Nature of Matter. Gordon demonstrated he could pass this healing energy from person to person or from object to object, using a series of simple experiments that anyone could do by following the directions in his newest book The Secret Nature of Matter. Register