Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Bryan Rawls - Navigating the New Matrix



Access Bryan Rawls' Special Offer http://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/cosmic-light-language-awakening-with-bryan-rawlss/ Navigating The New Matrix Awakening during this New Matrix of energies that alot of us are not comprehending, are the navigation techniques that we learned within the New Age era. Here comes uncharted territory and brand new info from the Council of Ligth that is presiding over “The Book of Saharra” This light of the council will come and gift us with techniques and timely information for us to come towards a new empowerment of self to allow for an understanding of what’s happening within the New Matrix 2018 (called “The Book of Saharra”) which will bring a new understanding of the matrix we live in today.