Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Eva Marquez - Starseed Journey and Awakening Of Light Language



Access Eva Marquez's Special Offer http://acoustichealth.com/evaoffer.htm Starseeds Journey and Awakening of the Language of Light Why do some of us long for a life on the other planets? Is Earth our first home? Could ancient aliens be our ancestors? Join us on a journey to explore your extraterrestrial DNA and gain conscious knowledge of star beings that seeded the Earth eons ago. Are you one of them? Do you carry your ancestral DNA? And if yes, what does it mean for you? Each star nation has their own unique abilities and you as a starseed have those abilities encoded in your DNA. You are the God and you are the creator. Now you can learn to use your abilities to serve humanity and make this world a better place. Many starseeds are beginning to remember the Language of Light. The Language of Light is an energy tool that Pleiadians are reminding us about. It is nothing that can be learnt, it has to awaken within you and come from your soul memories. The Language of Light is mentioned in the “Keys of Enoch