Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Elephants 2021 part 5: Progressive Christianity



What is "Progressive Christianity?" Is it OK to deconstruct our faith and question traditional church beliefs? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally, lead pastor of Victory Fellowship Church, shares about this trend within the church.  Progressive Christianity is a trending movement among Christians that questions traditional Christian beliefs and often rejects orthodox theology at the expense of current cultural norms. I believe Progressive Christianity is a type of Sadducee mentality that is an overcorrection to the Pharisee mentality of the conservative, fundamentalist evangelical church. Galatians 1:6-8  Characteristics of Progressive Christianity: 1. A low view of Christ and a high view of mankind.Romans 3:10 John 14:6 Jesus is not your cosmic helper, He is your Savior! The Bible is not a self-help book, but a self-death book. Jesus is either liar, lunatic or Lord. There are no other choices.  2. Having low regard for scripture. 2 Tim 3:16-17 Progressive Christians hold scripture loosely when