Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Elephants 2021 Part 1: Creation



What does every Christian need to believe about creation? What are the different theories out there? What should you do about Christians who believe differently than you? In this message, Pastor Jamie answers these questions and more.  Things you should know as we discuss creation: 1. Science is not the final authority on truth. "Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" - Richard Feynman 2. How God created is not an essential doctrine of our faith.  Essential doctrines (unity) Biblical beliefs (charity) Personal opinions (humility) God created.All origin theories must begin with three ingredients: time, energy and matter. Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning (time) God created (energy) the heavens and the earth (matter).” There are three main view points on HOW God created:1. Young Earth Creationism. - Genesis 1-6 is history.  - The earth is somewhere between 6k and 10K years old.  - Humans, animals and plants were created in a complete form with the ability to evolve on a small scale. - Mode