Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Culture Shock Part 3: You Are What You Eat



You’ve heard that  “You are what you eat.” Do you know that this applies to your spiritual life? So, what did you eat today? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how to make sure that you are properly feeding yourself spiritually. Food is one of the things that make up a culture. We were created to require constant intake and that intake determines our output. Proverbs 4:23 – “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”  What you eat matters:1. You’re full of what you feed on.If you’re full of the world, you won’t have room for things of the spirit. If you’re full of the Spirit, you won’t be tempted by things of the world.  2. You crave what you consume.Feeding an appetite doesn’t make it go away, it makes it grow. 3. Lack of hunger is a symptom of sickness. If you've lost your appetite for spiritual food, you're probably spiritually sick. What you hunger for reveals your health. 4. Your quality of food determines your quality of life.Other things may make y