Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Elephants in the Room Part 1: The Prosperity Gospel



Elephants in the Room: where we tackle sensitive subjects and taboo topics that no one likes to talk about.  What is the prosperity gospel? Official definition: The prosperity gospel is an overemphasis on the material blessings of God, where you acquire His blessings of health and wealth transactionally through your own efforts, not relationally by His grace.    Whats wrong with it?    1. God is not a vending machine where we put in the money, punch in the code, and out comes the blessing. He’s God. We work for God, not the other way around.     2. It creates guilt if you’re not prosperous because you must be doing something wrong. God’s goal for your life is not luxury, but maturity. God is not as interested in what He can do FOR you, as He is in what He can do IN you and THROUGH you.Spirit-filled, full gospel, Charismatic, and Pentecostal belief is NOT the same as the prosperity gospel. Three areas where the prosperity gospel goes wrong:MONEY    What’s the problem?     1. It assumes God’s blessing can be me