French Blabla

Un petit tour de France - 05



Coucou à tous ! Bienvenue pour le dernier épisode d’un petit tour de France. Avec la fin du mois d’août arrive aussi la fin de notre capsule estivale. Today is our last episode and the 5th city we’re going to visit. If you’ve just jumped on the bandwagon, better later than never or in French, mieux vaut tard que jamais, you’re very welcome to participate. Let me introduce you to how this series works. In the 4 previous episodes, we traveled to 4 different French cities and no, sorry to disappoint but Paris isn’t one of them. The game is to guess which town it was using all the clues from the episodes. Now that they’ve all been released, send me an email with your 5 guesses and see if you were correct. As always, you can, of course, download the transcription of today’s episode on