Aaron Katsman

Making Sense of the Israeli Pension System: An Interview with Gadi Last



Keren Pensia? Kupat Gimel? Bituach Menahalim? Keren Histalmut? Which one is for you and what does it all mean? Whether you are a brand new oleh or if you have been here for 20 years, the pension system is, in one word, confusing. This week I am joined by Gadi Last of the IAL Group to shed some light on this mystifying topic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT OUR GUEST: Gadi Last made Aliyah from London in 2007 and has worked in finance and investment for over 17 years, both in Israel and overseas. He is the owner of the IAL Group, which provides consultancy and brokerage services, in English for Israeli investments, insurance, and pensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACT GADI: Website: https://www.israelatlast.com/ Email: gadi@israelatlast.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Israelatlast LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gadilast/ American phone: +1-516-725-9392 Israel phone: 972-524-696-714 UK phone: +44-