Master Brewers Podcast

Episode 092: Automated Brettanomyces Cell Counts



If you use Brettanomyces in your brewery, you know that counting brett cells is complicated. Leo Chan joins us to discuss the development of a method to automate cell counting of Brettanomyces.Links:  2018 MBAA TQ: Monitoring Brettanomyces Concentration, Viability, and Pseudohyphae Percentage During Propagation and Fermentation Using the Cellometer X2 Image Cytometer 2016 MBAA TQ: Measuring Lager and Ale Yeast Viability and Vitality Using Fluorescence-Based Image Cytometry 2016 MBAA TQ: Measuring Glycogen, Neutral Lipid, and Trehalose Contents in Yeast Using Fluorescence-Based Image Cytometry Related slide decks