Outside Shot W/ Randy Foye

Mohamed Khairullah



Syrian American Mayor Mohamed Khairullah had to flee Syria when he was a child because his father and grandfather were marked for execution. Today he is a citizen of the United States and the Mayor of Prospect Park, NJ. Mayor Mohamed Khairullah is a Syrian American. He is Arab American. He is Muslim and leads an inclusive community that celebrates all faiths and religions. He is a family man, a teacher, an activist. He loves the USA and the privilege to vote for his leaders. He risks his own life to help those in desperate need in his Syrian homeland. He does not allow hatred to distract him from doing what he knows is right. In spite of everything he has experienced, he is hopeful for peace. "I hate injustice. I always root for the underdog." Mayor Mohamed Khairullah is the ultimate Outside Shot. Please meet Mohamed Khairullah. "Don't let the chain of love stop with you." Please feel the powerful audio from his trips to Syria and the authentic stories of his life. Topics range from war, peace, Trump, Septem