Rhett Smith Podcast

Kid's Athletics, Parental Pressure, and Grit



One of the populations I love working with in my practice is athletes. I've been fortunate enough to work with a large variety of athletes from professionals to amateur, from middle school kids all the way up to a middle aged runner like me. And in my time with athletes several themes around athletics have emerged that tend to be the central focus of our counseling time together.     Those are: performance anxiety anxiety and stress due to pressure from overbearing parents depression from not achieving an athletic goal or from not being able to participate in the sport because of injury. training the athlete for more positive self-talk and visualization to increase performance.   These 4 issues seem to crop up the most and I have had a lot of success using the Restoration Therapy model developed by Terry Hargrave. Even though I initially used it only with couples I have expanded it's use to individuals, families, organizations, and now athletes. I feel that it's core tenets, especially the importance of emo