Rhett Smith Podcast

The Practice of Sabbath



I've been talking about Sabbath in the last couple of podcast episodes (Episode 61: Sabbath Rest and Your Identity, Episode 62: Sabbath Rest and Anxiety), and so I close the series in this episode talking about various practices. As I've come to learn more about Sabbath and practice various ways of being on that day, I realize that everyone's Sabbath may look differently. Ultimately, I believe the key is that Sabbath is a way of being, rather than doing, and so it's a day where we set aside our compulsion to have to do things, perform, be productive, etc, and we enjoy our relationship with God, others, and ourselves. In this episode I discuss: How to assess your busyness (i.e. "white space on the calendar"). Setting a day to practice Sabbath. Setting a time for your Sabbath practice. Asking yourself questions about what a practice of being vs. doing would look like. Allowing for the fact that your Sabbath will look different than other peoples. Expecting resistance as you fight the culture of consumption and