Gluten Free Rn

Why No Dairy on a Gluten-Free Diet? EP068



If you’re just getting used to eliminating gluten from your diet, it may feel like a burden to remove dairy as well—especially if you’re a fan of comfort foods like cheese and ice cream. Why exactly do many practitioners recommend a gluten- AND dairy-free diet to patients diagnosed with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity? The Gluten Free RN is walking us through the similarities between gliadin and casein, explaining how the proteins found in gluten, milk and cheese impact our brains. She discusses how Marsh 1 damage from celiac disease leads to an inability to break down the sugar in milk and why we crave the very foods that are making us sick. Nadine shares the story of a young man with autism whose health improved once his family went gluten-free, describing the well-documented gut-brain connection and how the right high-fat diet can repair the neurological system. Listen in for the Gluten Free RN’s insight around dairy replacement options and get empowered to reclaim your health with a glute