Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 17: The Value of Persistence on an Entrepreneurial Journey



Gabe chats with Richard Kim, founder of My Video Series, about the skills and traits that go into becoming both an entrepreneur and a good person. As he explains it, varied experiences and excellent mentors put Richard on a path to success. Early Introduction to Business   Richard started honing his sales skills in high school. As he grew older, his business intuition evolved, too. Richard was unaware at the time, but he has a strong sales ability that he has always managed to put to good use. School and Internship Experiences While attending college and studying marketing, Richard identified a disconnect in the internship program. Internships deliver a definite value, but matching students to small businesses was virtually impossible. The clear solution to Richard was to start a website connecting college students to local small businesses. Learning on the Job    After school, Richard took a position at Hyperloop One, an experience which greatly changed his perspective. He oversaw a team and gained valuable