Hank Presents:

Follow Up: Writing Your Life Story



Last week we began the journey of writing our life story. In this episode, I do a quick recap of what we covered and follow up with three people who were impacted in various ways by these three steps: 1). Write Your Table of Contents - Create a list of the chapters you want. “The Year I Got Married” “The Year I Launched My Company” What chapters do you hope to write someday? 2). List all the chapters you already have but didn't want - What have been pivotal points in your story you regret or wish you could rewrite? 3). Write the Summary - What kind of story are you writing? What is the overall theme of your narrative? What will be the impact of your story on the rest of the world? Disclaimer: There are two crucial rules to remember while practicing this exercise! • You have everything you need. • You are more powerful than you realize. The common misconception is that we unable to complete these chapters because we lack something, i.e. "If only I had more money...If only I had more time!" False. Y