Mendham Hills

DTR - Week 1 - Defining The Relationship



There is nothing worse than being in a relationship with someone, maybe even for a long time, and then suddenly finding out that you define the relationship differently. Is it exclusive? Are you just friends? What if you've wasted the best years of your life on a relationship that turned out not to be what you thought? Heartbreaking if it involves a person. Life altering if it involves God! If you've grown weary of Christianity, maybe the problem lies not in your faith, but in your heart. Is it possible you got the whole relationship wrong? Join us as we kick off our new fall series, "Define the Relationship," where we will unmask the typical Christian cliches that often masquerade as genuine communion with Christ, and understand, perhaps for the first time, how we relate to God. Don't waste the best years of your life in the wrong relationship!