E-com Sales Tax

Can I Just Register and Start Collecting Tax From Now Going Forward, Even If I’ve Been Making Sales in Prior Years?



Imagine that you’ve been in business for several years. Things are going along pretty well. By just surviving, you’ve been more successful than most businesses. And then you find out some terrible news about sales tax; you learn that because of “nexus” in prior years, you may actually owe back taxes and it might be a significant amount. This is money you don’t have. You didn’t collect it from your customers and you have no way of collecting it from them now, years after the fact. You simply do NOT have the means to pay the back taxes. What do you do? What are your options? Listen in as Andy and Dan discuss your different options and help you decide what to do.Additional Questions Answered:If I just register going forward what are the risks?What is the statute of limitations when it comes to sales tax audits?What if I put a date from the past on my state sales tax registration form?What incentives do states have to offer amnesty plans for online sellers?Will there be another sales tax amnesty program like many