Galley Stories®

EP 65 USS Nautilus's Story as told by Active Duty Lieutenant Commander Bradley Boyd



Lieutenant Commander Bradley Boyd steps into character to tell us the Story of the USS Nautilus, the very first ever Nuclear Powered, well... anything. This was a stretch but the idea to hear the story of a vessel was something i could not just pass up, Commander Boyd did an excellent job and you can hear in his voice the pride he takes in both his service and history of service of the Nautilus and her crews.  Below Information from the Submarine Force Museum Web Site RE: USS Nautilus & LTC Boyd: On January 21, 1954, Nautilus was christened and launched into the Thames River. On January 17, 1955, the message “Underway On Nuclear Power” was sent and changed the Navy forever. The world’s first nuclear powered submarine, Nautilus will forever stand as a testament to innovation and the incredible advancements in technology made after WWII. It is well known that besides being the first nuclear powered submarine, Nautilus was also the first vessel to pass under the North Pole, making history with the message