Alaska Tracy Podcast

#59 ~ Influence Matters with Clara Rose



Divine intervention is how I met Clara Rose. Clara and I are involved in a large Social Media Group together and I asked a question, what topic would you share if you were asked to be on a Podcast interview?  I had over 300 answers and was drawn immediately to Clara. Turns out, Clara was born and raised in Alaska and now lives in Florida and I moved to Alaska from Florida! Throughout the interview, we learned we have many more interests and I think you will find Clara fascinating and helpful especially if you are writing a book (or looking to write a book).  Clara is a Literary Consultant and Influence Strategist with Intentional Influence. She is the founder of Influence University and the Influence Builders movement, and Chief Editor with RoseDale Publishing. Clara works with those who want to write, speak, and lead, to cultivate their influence and generate more leads, for their business, ministry, cause, or brand. Clara Rose is the creator and host of the popular show, Influence MATTERS. Enjoy today's e