The Chase Jarvis Live Show

How What You Buy Can Change The World w/ Leila Janah



Leila Janah is a human dynamo and one of the most exciting voices in the world of social entrepreneurship. After starting her career in management consulting, she quit to pursue her passions full time and has founded TWO companies. The first is Samasource, a non-profit that lifts people out of poverty via hiring them to do data work - and their clients now include the likes of Walmart, eBay, Google. And more recently she started LXMI a luxury skincare brand that sources rare ingredients from poor countries and thereby helps lift women out of poverty. Oh - and in case she didn’t have enough on her plate she’s also the author of the forthcoming book Give Work, the thesis of which is that giving work is the most powerful solution for ending global poverty. Today on the podcast, * She tells the story of sending Reid Hoffman a message on LinkedIn (which he replied to) * Why it’s limiting and ultimately a non-solution to operate from the idea that handouts are the answer to poverty - why “giving work” is the real a