The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Brian Solis: It’s not good enough to be good enough



Brian Solis is a digital anthropologist and futurist, studying disruptive technology and its impact on the future of business and society. This episode is all about design-- specifically experience design, which is the topic of Brian’s latest book “X: The Experience When Business Meets Design.” It's the paradigm which drives companies like Nike, Airbnb, and Uber that are transforming one industry after the other, and Brian has some great insights that will help you wrap your head around it and apply it to your own work. Today on the podcast, * How to take inspiration from brands, people and products that are outside your industry-- for example, as Brian says Starbucks isn’t looking to other coffee companies for inspiration * We address the common misconception that innovation is synonymous with technology, and why innovation is really about understanding people- their behavior, their preferences - and finding a way to give it to them * Brian says that simply asking "why" is one of the best ways for us to unco