The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Stefan Sagmeister: Finding Happiness



Happy to play the role of provocateur and prankster, Stefan Sagmeister has famously pushed the boundaries of design. Stefan’s legend stems from the fact his work is so closely linked to his personal searchings and strivings. His impressive client roster includes names like The Rolling Stones, Target, Talking Heads, HBO, Time Warner and the Guggenheim, and he’s won two Grammy awards, an AIGA Medal and practically every important international design award. Stefan’s exhibitions have been mounted in museums around the world, including his latest project: The Happy Show (which is both an exhibit and a film). The exhibit has already attracted way over a quarter of a million visitors worldwide and became the most visited graphic design show in history. Of course we get into this at the top of the show, and we also dive into: Work/Life balance … In fact, he takes a sabbatical every 7 years. We explore the idea of being different, which is a thing that I think a lot of creatives struggle with. We also talk about way