Quantum Success Show

Pain Free Living With Debora Wayne



We all desire to live away from pain as much as possible. That is why we tend to go for medications and take care of ourselves as best as we can. Debora Wayne, founder of The Pain Free Living Program, takes us into pain-free living, describing what it is and how it can be achieved. As an internationally known energy healer and pain-release specialist, Debora helps people who are stuck in suffering by addressing the hidden root cause for chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, struggles with food, weight, addictions, and more. She goes beyond just the physical and addresses the underlying aspects that keep people from getting relief from their pain. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Quantum Success Stories movement today: christywhitman.com Christy Whitman Facebook Christy Whitman Instagram Christy Whitman Twitter Christy Whitman Youtube