Multiple Calls Podcast

Multiple Calls Episode 32 - Aaron Quinn



Aaron grew up and lives in Oakland, California and has worked the east end since his career began in 2002. He is currently the Senior Firefighter on B shift at station 18. For as long as he can remember, he has been passionate about fitness, overall health and wellness and general optimization and human potential. Over the years, he has been seeking the unification of mind, body, soul/spirit to achieve peak performance through all aspects of his life. He has found tremendous joy in passing on what he has learned to others. In 2007 he was asked to train all of Oakland Fire’s new recruits in physical fitness. He has since trained over 150 firefighters in over 15 different academies.  Over the 13 years, he has developed a unique system of fire ground fitness and longevity for firefighters, focusing on Connection, Passion, Strength and Fuel. He dives deep into his 4 pillars, exploring breath, mental performance, learning, the what, when, and how of diet, positive psychological, injury prevention, and of course