Movers + Mavericks

Run for your Life - Episode 103 - William Pullen



Hey there, welcome to the weMove podcast.From day one we believed and still do that movement is perhaps the most important tool for self-discovery and becoming a better version of ourselves.Whilst this idea is very easily commercialised and the meaning lost in favour of the latest colour of t-shirt. The importance of movement has never gone away.When you move, you see the world in a different way. When you see the world in a different way, positive internal changes begin to happen. Problems that you had no longer seem to be front and center of your mind, and solutions that you needed somehow appear.Now when you combine movement with an active pursuit to work through an issue or problem to make sense of it, that can feel like quite a powerful combination.And that is where we pick up this week's podcast with a chap called William Pullen, a psychotherapist and author who specialises in depression, anxiety, self-confidence and “boarding school syndrome” who uses running as the vehicle for working through blo