Movers + Mavericks

Be Still, Move Faster - Georgie Holt - Episode 92



Hey there and welcome to the weMove podcast.With one more episode in our movement and search for meaning to come, we are holding off whilst we complete the accompanying short film Chris has been working on. It’s rally good and a lovely bookend to the series.In the meantime we are beginning a new series of conversations with a growing number of body work practitioners influenced by the concepts of Eastern Medicine specfically acupuncture, of which there happen to be two who have piqued my interest on instagram for their personal message and their aesthetics. And whilst how we choose our personal team isn’t always best based on aesthetics of their insta feed and words. These mediums do portray someone’s flavour as I call it. Their personality, their interests etc,, which has been how I have gathered and formed those around me who I call on when I am struggling physically, mentally or spiritually.There are many practitioners out there in the world, no two are the same even if they come from what is on the surfac