Movers + Mavericks

Straight Edge Punk and Yoga - Eddie Stern - Episode 51



Hey there and welcome to another episode of the weMove podcast. This week we caught up with Eddie Stern one of the original Ashtangi crew who ventured over to Mysore in India to learn the practice of Ashtanga yoga back in the late 80’s early 90’s.Something that has really interested Chris and I in the weMove journey is getting to talk to the people who have been at the start of movements, what they were looking for and what they have to share. And Eddie definitely feels like one of those for us to glean some knowledge from and connect with others who we are meeting.Growing up in New York, when New York was a very different place to what it is today working in record stores, playing in bands Eddie discovered yoga in a quest for the feeling of more we feel about being Human.That led him to the small and diverse New York yoga scene of the early 80s when there was no Instagram and social media, but there was definitely a passion, desire and curiosity in our potential and consciousness.This quest led Eddie to vent